(The page of tree village you)


The 21th version
The way of spending in the right year-end beginning of the year


To make pickling in front of the pine with my house in the end of the year became an established custom.
When cutting a dried cuttlefish attenuate, Jijio and Tami-Chan aimed at the remainder.


It is the beginning of the big game rally.
Sugoroku, too, is the world of the video game ready.
It is not the situation to say while casting a dice like the past and counting ます, and so on.
( ・・・ which the life game is dear to )


It is hard buckwheat noodles.
There rather is a wick in the firming.


The new year is a terrible steak.
The father, too, is satisfactory!


This place is where?

比較的有名な○○神社です。交通安全などは特に有名ですが、おかあさんの介護支援専門員の試験を合格に導いてくれたのもここの神様のおかげ?(かも) お賽銭をいっぱいあげてね。

It is a comparatively famous ○○ shrine.
As for the shrine in this place, the traffic safety and so on are famous especially.
However, it is the grace of this god that the examination of the mother passed?
It raises dice money to the full.


A new year celebration formula, too, was done at the parents' home.
Zero person who rejoiced at the ( father ) appearance to draw in the tree village
By what of ・・・ of the discouragement of everybody's such as the person who evades an eye line later and the person who says a complaint?


2003.01.06 hirosi01