(The page of tree village you)



It was after a long time and! and the father said the sea.
It thinks that the father is 1 later.
The first time of tree village you of course


It is a seeing mind today on the sea to attempt to begin.


What is this?
This is a surfboard with the implement which goes to the help when a person is drowned.
It seems that it is a man!


One boy is pausing.
It was disappointed in love?
・ The being of it of being ・・ was done a son.


It covers and it is doing! Beach volleyball.
A father began to run immediately and was occupied in the seat most ahead.
It is quick only in such a case!

「いいね〜スゴいね〜」「江ノ島はビーチバレーのメッカなのよ」 そうだったのか!知らなかった。

" It is wonderful in. good. "
It didn't know! about whether or not it was so in " the Enosima is the mecca of Beach volleyball ".


After that, it played at the park nearby.
The fils and tree village you rejoiced.


201.08.10 hirosi01